
About Thomas Hug
My name is Thomas Hug and I was born in Switzerland some time ago :).
This page is used to provide you some information about my
Hobbies, the things I do when I don't feel like to Work.
In 1997 I registered myself to the FVS, which provides young pilots the chance to
fly without to spend a lot of money. I completed all three FVS courses and am now
in the possession of a JAR private pilot license.
The first FVS course was not like my colleagues with normal planes, but with gliders.
In the first moment I wasn't very happy they put me in a glidercourse. After the first
flight, i immediately changed my opinion :) I was so happy that I started to finish my
glider pilot license just after the course and graduated in 1999.
Because the first thing everyone (or not?) does with flight simulators, is to do all
possible aerobatics with this planes :) Why not in real world? Since summer 2001 I am
allowed to do aerobatics with gliders! Of course I had to do a skill test for this nice
ACR extension in my license.
Check out the SG Pilatus homepage for more
information on gliding. There are also some nice pictures!
Since 1999 I'm a member of Rock'n Roll Club Sixteen
in Lucerne. At the moment I practice this two times a week with my dancing partner.
This is already the fifth partner :). I'm quite happy and we have a lot of fun in our
easy going trainings ;)